Monday, January 31, 2011

Bitch Media

You say I'm a Bitch like its a bad thing...

Since 1996, Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture, has reported clever, witty, and thought-provoking analyses  on TV, film, music, advertising, books, and more.  Bitch Media is a nonprofit magazine that creatively dissects the media and digs up many important underlying issues in todays society.

What is feminism? Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. 

This blog is dedicated to analyzing actions of celebrities, artists,  and actresses in the media. Are they socially responsible, am I proud to have them representing my sex? These people are key  influences in todays media. Pop Culture shapes our personal, social and cultural identities and is important in defining who we are. 

Bitch Media has inspired PRetty PR to expose some women who have the power to revolutionize our society, but chose not to. I will also discuss some PRetty amazing women that shock the media and challenge social norms. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Rookie

The Rookie: an inexperienced person or newcomer.

I've been told by many professors that if I want to go anywhere in my career I will have to create a blog, maintain a Twitter, Linked In and facebook. 

Check YES to three out of the four. Social media is something that I love to do in my leisure time. I love tweeting, making connections on LinkedIn and updating my facebook. But, when I walked in to my Electronic Media class my joy of social media came to a screeching halt. Blogging? Time-Out! What?! 

I am what you would call, well, a Rookie. I don't know what to write about, how to format, or how to grab the attention of any readers. What kind of audience am I writing for? I feel like I've been thrown into a baseball game and I've never played. I'm the new writer, and there are all these scouts watching how I play. It's time to step up to the plate. 

Don't you worry. I'm not timid. I've done my home work, I've suited up, I'm ready to play. I may be a Rookie but I sure am NOT a benchwarmer. So put me in coach, I'm ready to play. Let's hit this one out of the park. 

It's Never too Late to Start Blogging.