Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Rookie

The Rookie: an inexperienced person or newcomer.

I've been told by many professors that if I want to go anywhere in my career I will have to create a blog, maintain a Twitter, Linked In and facebook. 

Check YES to three out of the four. Social media is something that I love to do in my leisure time. I love tweeting, making connections on LinkedIn and updating my facebook. But, when I walked in to my Electronic Media class my joy of social media came to a screeching halt. Blogging? Time-Out! What?! 

I am what you would call, well, a Rookie. I don't know what to write about, how to format, or how to grab the attention of any readers. What kind of audience am I writing for? I feel like I've been thrown into a baseball game and I've never played. I'm the new writer, and there are all these scouts watching how I play. It's time to step up to the plate. 

Don't you worry. I'm not timid. I've done my home work, I've suited up, I'm ready to play. I may be a Rookie but I sure am NOT a benchwarmer. So put me in coach, I'm ready to play. Let's hit this one out of the park. 

It's Never too Late to Start Blogging. 

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